A story by Pascal Chrétien
May 2018
Suzanne DiLazzaro was introduced to Direct Sales 26 years ago. In the beginning, it was to keep a steady income while staying at home with her children but, through the years, she earned many recognitions, trips and honors.
She joined Tocara in June 2011 with the intention to be one of the pioneers in Manitoba. Having no more kids at home to keep her busy, she invested herself fully in her new business. She quickly climbed the leadership’s ranks and got the first place in 2012 for the central team’s sponsoring.
In 2016, she was hit with bad news and her life is turned upside down when she decides to put her business on hold to take care of her mother living with dementia. Eventually, she will also take care of her stepfather whose health is also very precarious. Life goes on, but family comes first and Suzanne does only the bare minimum to keep her team.
By the end of 2017, her team is weak, but full of potential. She can focus on her business again after two years on the back burner. Since then, she brought her team back to life and requalified herself as a Pearl Director. She also recruited many new motivated consultants and will soon promote new leaders.
Jackie Sparkes Arnold joined Tocara in January 2015. She had been in business for barely two months when her mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. Jackie made the same choice as Suzanne and put her business on hold to be by her mom’s side.
The next fall, while I was visiting her in Newfoundland, she mentioned that she would have liked to earn the trip announced by Tocara two months before. At the time, there were six weeks left before the end of the qualification period. Therefore, I challenged her: “If you really want to, you’ll be there with us”.
We put down a plan with daily tasks. Jackie worked twice has hard to make it and, on November 30th 2015, her trip to Antigua was officially earned! Furthermore, at the 2016 conference, it was Jackie’s turn to reach the first spot for the central team’s sponsoring.
Each person’s journey is unique and filled with obstacles. Direct Sales offer the flexibility required to find your rhythm and deal with the unexpected. Tocara goes even further by guaranteeing that a consultant’s structure is maintained for up to six consecutive months. And that’s because we know that sometimes life can take you away from your business, but also bring you back to it.
Suzanne and Jackie are a proof that it’s never too late to bounce back and succeed. If you love this adventure and don’t give up, there is a place for you too at Tocara.