A story by Pascal Chrétien

July 2017

Many consultants, leaders and Vice Presidents started their businesses by attending a presentation to please a friend and buy a little something for themselves, nothing more. Although, some like the concept so much they will host their own presentation to get even more free products. After all, why pay when you can get them for free?

This is the story of Susie Boisvert, one of my leaders. Susie likes to have people over at her place, laugh and have a good time. She’s also a big consumer of quality products and a bargain expert. She quickly understood that by hosting a presentation, she was hitting two birds with one stone. She could have her friends, family and neighbours over for a night of fun and laughter and get her favorite products for free. What’s not to like?

During a presentation in 2014, Susie realized she could get even more. By becoming a consultant, she could not only receive free products, but also the pay check that comes with selling them! She did some calculations and soon found out she could make a profit from those presentations.

Since 2014, Susie is in charge of her own Direct Sales business. She has earned four trips to 5-stars hotels, a bunch of her favorite jewelry, a lot of recognition for her efforts and her leadership and a second income that makes a difference in her budget. Above all, she discovered a passion, unexpectedly.

Since making the jump as a consultant, Susie strives to push her limits and step out of her comfort zone. More so, as a leader, she helps others to grow and change their lifestyle. Fun and laughter are still a priority and Susie loves to spoil the hostesses of her presentations with free jewelry.

Now at the helm of a great sales team, Susie focuses on giving to others the same opportunity she got. The opportunity to go from a spoiled hostess to a passionate consultant.

And you, what is your passion?